A Partridge jacket is rarely disposed of, or recycled, because its owner just will not part with it. It is built to last more than a lifetime, to be a faithful, reassured and irreplaceable friend.
At John Partridge, we strive for sustainability throughout our brand and products. We try our hardest to limit our impact on the planet and our key focus is to produce items that will last you a lifetime. By doing this, each individual customer is helping to significantly reduce the environmental impact of fast fashion and waste.

Re-purposing your wax jacket by re-waxing and repairing will reduce waste and help your jacket last even longer. Prince Charles shows how this is achievable after being recently photographed wearing his John Partridge complete with multiple repairs, giving a great sense of character to his jacket and ensuring that he can still wear it for years to come.
There are various ways you can repurpose your John Partridge products to showcase your character and eccentricities - something that we love to see and encourage from our customers. Make it your own and treasure for life.